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Our Company

  • DEP MeshWorks France Maillage Morphing Europe Simulation CAE Défense et Espace

    Un logiciel développé par des ingénieurs calculs pour des ingénieurs calculs

    Distribué & Supporté par Dynas+ Engineering Products
  • DEP MeshWorks France Maillage Morphing Europe Simulation CAE Sport Automobile voiture course

    Une plateforme de modélisation nouvelle génération pour des produits plus légers, plus intelligents et plus rapide à concevoir
  • DEP MeshWorks France Maillage Morphing Europe Simulation CAE Automobile Avion Ferroviaire Bateau Naval Camion Trucks

    Une plateforme de modélisation intégrée qui accélère le processus de développement produit
  • DEP MeshWorks Maillage France Morphing Europe Simulation CAE Biomédical Humain Corps

    Bienvenue dans la nouvelle évolution pour les environnements d'éléments finis
  • DEP MeshWorks France Morphing Europe Simulation CAE Concept Works Conception Maillage Concept Création Automobile Car Body Structures BIW Caisse en Blanc Chassis

    Le leader de la conception par éléments finis sur le marché

    La capacité de modéliser directement au niveau du modèle calcul sans avoir besoin de la CAO

    Presentation of Dynas+ Engineering Products - Europe

    Dynas+ Engineering Products is a Technical Centre of DEP MeshWorks for the Europe territory.

    Organized around DEP MeshWorks solution, our engineering & design department is using the added value of the software to offer to our customers the best quality of service in the best time frame.

    Rapid time to market of new products is a unique value proposition delivered to clients via DEP network world class engineers and the DEP MeshWorks platform.

    Along with a team of passionate employees, committed partners and some exciting clients, everyday is a chance to innovate and invent, and create smarter solutions at DEP Europe.


    Dynas+ Engineering Products is a Technical Centre of DEP MeshWorks for the Europe territory.

    Organized around DEP MeshWorks solution, our engineering & design department is using the added value of the software to offer to our customers the best quality of service in the best time frame.

    Rapid time to market of new products is a unique value proposition delivered to clients via DEP network world class engineers and the DEP MeshWorks platform.

    Along with a team of passionate employees, committed partners and some exciting clients, everyday is a chance to innovate and invent, and create smarter solutions at DEP Europe.

    • WHY
      • We believe that we must give the lead back to simulation and physics
      • As well as leveraging the work and time of the CAE engineers for a better overall productivity of the organizations in product development
    • HOW

      • We use/develop tools allowing the perfect mix between automation/time saving and interactivity/control
      • With a team of expert calculation engineers & motivated by the same human values
    • WHAT

      • We provide expertise on all aspects of modeling in order to save time
      • We distribute and provide the expertise of DEP MeshWorks software, the software we have chosen for our design & engineering department
    • WHY
      • We believe that we must give the lead back to simulation and physics
      • As well as leveraging the work and time of the CAE engineers for a better overall productivity of the organizations in product development
    • HOW

      • We use/develop tools allowing the perfect mix between automation/time saving and interactivity/control
      • With a team of expert calculation engineers & motivated by the same human values
    • WHAT

      • We provide expertise on all aspects of modeling in order to save time
      • We distribute and provide the expertise of DEP MeshWorks software, the software we have chosen for our design & engineering department

    DEP MeshWorks Europe Technical Centre

    DEP MeshWorks Morphing Europe Simulation CAE France Spain Germany

    More information about DEP MeshWorks