Let's find your optimized design using the leader of CAE parametric technology
CAE parameterization engine of DEP MeshWorks with broad range of categories of parameters that can be used at all stages of product development
The value of CAE parameterization
Using parametric approach, CAE engineers can quickly and easily create different configurations of their designs. By manipulating attributes that are interlinked, we change the features automatically– allowing designers to define entire classes of shapes, and not just specific instances.

Key Benefits
Stop to rely on the CAD parameterization and the associated risks of robustness issues. Using parametric approach directly at the CAE level, engineers can quickly and easily create different configurations of their designs. By manipulating attributes that are interlinked, we change the features automatically– allowing designers to define entire classes of shapes, and not just specific instances.
DOE Generator
Existing FE & CFD models can be converted to intelligent parametric CAE models, enabling fast design iterations & Design Of Experiment (DOE) studies
Key Benefits
Stop to rely on the CAD parameterization and the associated risks of robustness issues. Using parametric approach directly at the CAE level, engineers can quickly and easily create different configurations of their designs. By manipulating attributes that are interlinked, we change the features automatically– allowing designers to define entire classes of shapes, and not just specific instances.
DOE Generator
Existing FE & CFD models can be converted to intelligent parametric CAE models, enabling fast design iterations & Design Of Experiment (DOE) studies

Parametrize, generate designs and develop your product!
Using DEP MeshWorks, you can directly at the FE level parametrize your model with the aim of developing your product.
Parameterization of your CAE model will take only few minutes then DEP MeshWorks will do the sampling and generate the designs (each CAE model corresponding to a combination of parameters) for you!
Parameterization of your CAE model will take only few minutes then DEP MeshWorks will do the sampling and generate the designs (each CAE model corresponding to a combination of parameters) for you!

Design enablers
'Ready to use' CAE solutions directly available in DEP MeshWorks that automate the entire process from properties to materials and connectors.
They can be developed easily without the user having to manually create geometry, mesh, or connections capable of providing high-level inputs, as a design engineer would.
And more available in DEP MeshWorks platform.
They can be developed easily without the user having to manually create geometry, mesh, or connections capable of providing high-level inputs, as a design engineer would.
- Shape
- Thickness
- Material
- Holes/Slots
- Ribs
- Beads/Crush Initiator
- Welds
- Adhesives
- Darts
- Bulkheads
- Doublers/Patchs
- Topology
- Automatic remeshing after design generation
- Smoothing and quality improvement after design generation
And more available in DEP MeshWorks platform.


How is working a typical optimization loop? (Example of coupling between DEP MeshWorks & LS-OPT & LS-DYNA)
- LS-OPT automatically identifies the parameterization + range set realized within DEP MeshWorks
- Sampling set in LS-OPT then + LS-OPT generates automatically the corresponding DOE (.txt)
- DEP MeshWorks takes in input the DOE and generates the 55 requested CAE different models
- LS-DYNA solver runs the 55 CAE models
- LS-OPT does the post treatment, collect the interesting data and build the response surface
- LS-OPT optimizes the design according to the objective initially set